- You want it to sell quickly!
- You want it to sell for top dollar!
- You want your house to look great before the Realtors see it.
- Your nose doesn't work well in your own home and you want it to smell nice before it hits the market
- You want someone to do the cleaning for you.
- Their are lots of unfinished decorating projects you don't have time to finish.
- Your house has lots of tiny boo boos that buyers will hate.
- Your house is decorated very personally and you love it and hate to change it.
- You have to move out right away and don't have time to worry about it.
And # 10. You only have one chance to make a great first impression on buyers and you want your house to stand out from the crowd!
For help in Templeton, Paso Robles, Atascadero, San Luis Obispo or the rest of the Central Coast please call Light, Bright and Airy Home Staging and visit our website @ http://www.lightbrightandairy.com/
I love having a professional Home Stager here on the Central Coast! My clients really benefit from Light, Bright and Airy.
God forbid that we ever sell this house.....but if we do I am calling you!
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